Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Top 10 Amusing Phobias

This post is kind of a test run to see how it looks with my template settings. It is, nonetheless, diverting.

10. xylophobia - fear of wooden objects.
9. geniophobia - fear of chins.
8. lutraphobia - fear of otters.
7. eisoptrophobia - fear of seeing oneself in a mirror.
6. automatonophobia - fear of the ventriloquist's dummy.
5. philemaphobia - fear of kissing.
4. deipnophobia - fear of dinner conversations.
3. peladophobia - fear of bald people.
2. asymmetriphobia - fear of asymmetrical things.
1. arachibutyrophobia - fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth.

I think I was able to find all of my phobias... except for my fear of getting a papercut on my eyeball. If anyone knows the word for that, please let me know.


Hatsuho said...

Chris has asymmetriphobia!

Yukiko said...

i have ichthyophobia.